Board of Health Agenda for March 6, 2024

This meeting will be held via Zoom. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.

Mission: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health protects health and promotes overall well-being so everyone in our communities can thrive.

2024 Strategic Directions:

Improve Health Outcomes:  Reduce health inequities, promote healthy choices, prepare for health risks, tailor responses and support preventative interventions.
Focus on Children’s Health: Support children’s services, promote best practices, influence policy, and address systemic challenges.
Build Strong Relationships:

Equip partners to make informed decisions, share expertise, adapt services to local needs, and support a collaborative system.

Innovate our Programs and Services: Invest in technology, improve resource efficiency, and foster a culture of learning and improvement.
Lead the Way Toward Sustainable Public Health System:  Engage in provincial health changes, apply value-for-money principles, maintain a great workplace, and lead in public health.


Agenda items & presenters



1. Call to Order

  • Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the work of Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health operates on the traditional lands and home of the Hodinöhsö:ni’, Anishinaabek, Tionontati, and Attawandaron people and is steeped in the tradition of many First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people.
As an Agency, we encourage our staff, partners, and clients to support the work of reconciliation and promote healing with our indigenous neighbours.
We are also committed to reducing social inequities and will strive to make our services culturally appropriate and safe for all Indigenous people, their families, and their community.


Dr. Mercer

2. Disclosure(s) of Pecuniary Interest


3. Approval of Minutes of  February 7, 2024 Board of Health Meeting


4. MOH Update(s)

Dr. Mercer

5. Presentation(s) 


K. Wilson

6. Consent Agenda



C. Beveridge


R. Isley


K. Wilson


R. Isley

7. Board of Health (BOH) Reports




K. Wilson


K. Wilson


R. Isley

C. Beveridge

8. Committee (Verbal) Reports

  • Executive Committee (Verbal) Report from Chair – NONE
  • Human Resources Committee (Verbal) Report from Chair – NONE
  • Finance + Audit Committee (Verbal) Report from Chair – March 6/24





Sec. Treasurer

9. Correspondence


This Board of Health meeting contains a “Closed Session” section which falls under the exemptions pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act. Please note that this session is not open to members of the public or the press.  


  • To approve the Closed Session Minutes of FEB 7/24 [labour relations or employee negotiations, and the security of the property of BOH].
  • To receive MOH Update(s) [personal matters about an identifiable individual, including BOH employees, and the security of the property of the BOH].
  • To receive Closed Session Finance + Audit Committee (Verbal) Report from Chair – MAR 6/24 [the security of the property of the BOH].


11. Adjournment

  • Next Meeting is April 3, 2024 (In-Person)
