Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing

Sexual Health

People get tested for sexually-transmitted infections (STI) for many reasons. If STI testing is on your mind, it’s probably a good indicator that testing is the right decision for you. Anyone who has had unprotected sex can get an STI, regardless of the type of sex you’re having, oral sex included. Our staff are happy to answer any of your STI questions. Don’t worry, if concerns are identified during testing, rest assured that most STIs are treatable, and free treatment options are available.

Common STI Symptoms

If you’re experiencing any of the below symptoms, it’s important to be seen by your family doctor, a walk-in clinic or one of our doctors. But don’t delay, you should be seen as soon as possible. 

  • Sores, bumps, blisters near your genitals, anus or mouth
  • Unusual rash
  • Itching near or around your genitals, a bad smell or an unusual discharge
  • Pain in lower abdomen
  • Pain or bleeding during or after sex
  • For women, bleeding between periods

Visit for more information about STIs and how to protect yourself.  

Services we offer
  • Symptomatic and asymptomatic STI Testing
  • Free testing and treatment for STIs
  • Emergency contraception (ECP)
  • Affordable contraception
  • IUDs
  • Pregnancy testing & information about options
  • Hepatitis A and B immunization (for those who qualify)
  • Vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) (for those who qualify)
  • Mpox vaccine (for those who qualify)
  • Free condoms
  • Confidential or anonymous HIV testing, including rapid point of care (POC) HIV testing (please note POC testing is only available at our Guelph location)

Services/assessments we do not offer 

Please visit your primary care provider or a walk-in clinic for the following:

  • Blood work for herpes or pregnancy
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Scabies, crabs or lice
  • Sexual dysfunction (erection and arousal difficulties, timing of ejaculation, low libido)
  • Fertility, miscarriage or menopause
  • Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) treatment – go to the nearest hospital emergency room within 72 hours of an HIV exposure
What to expect at your appointment
  • An OHIP card is not required to receive care at our clinics, but if you have an OHIP card, please bring it with you
  • Please do not urinate (pee) one hour before your visit
  • It is best that you eat and drink before your blood test
  • You will be seen by a health care practitioner, such as a nurse, or doctor who will ask you a series of questions, including:
    • the reason for your visit
    • medical and sexual history
  • The information you share will be used to determine the type of services that may be beneficial to you. Please note all information you share is confidential
  • During this time, the health care practitioner may provide you with information about STI (sexually transmitted infections), safer sex and birth control options. This is also your opportunity to ask any questions you have about sex or sexual health and to voice your concerns.
Infection Testing
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Urine sample, swab of the cervix, vagina, throat or rectum 
Syphilis Blood test


*Please note we do not offer blood testing for Herpes

Vulva Vaginal Candidiasis (VVC) (yeast)

Vaginal swab
Bacterial Vaginosis Vaginal swab

Vaginal swab


  • It can take up to three weeks for results to come back from the lab. If you do not hear from us, test results are NEGATIVE.
  • If a test is positive (which means your test showed you have an infection) you will be contacted by a Public Health Nurse about treatment and may be asked for information about your sexual partners. This information will be used to contact these partners to ensure that they are tested and treated. All information will be kept confidential. Your name will not be given to these partners.

For more information, or to speak with a Public Health Nurse, please contact 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006.

Other Healthcare Provider Options for Sexual Healthcare
  • Primary Care Provider
  • Walk in clinic
  • University or College Health Services (if you are a student)
  • - Offers free at-home self-testing kits and laboratory-based testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and hepatitis C (18+ with an OHIP card), and HIV at-home self-testing kits (16+ with an OHIP card).