Clinics & Classes

Book a vaccine appointment online

Cancel a booked appointment

For more information on any of the classes or clinics listed below or if you have a concern about access to our services, please let us know. Call 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006 or email.


Immunization and sexual health clinics

Routine immunizations (vaccines), STI testing and treatment and more. Make an appointment by calling 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006.

School clinics

Vaccines offered to elementary and high school students throughout the year. You may book an appointment with Public Health or your primary care provider to catch up on missed vaccines anytime.

Dental clinics

For children ages 17 and younger whose parents can’t afford dental care. Make an appointment at one of our locations.

Flu and COVID vaccine clinics

Clinics held during the fall and winter. For individuals recommended to get additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine, please call 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006 for an appointment.


Online learning courses (Coming soon!)

Cleaned, Wrapped and Loaded: A Review of Equipment Reprocessing

A workshop to review best practices for proper medical/dental equipment reprocessing.

Food Safety Training & Certification

Become a safe food handler by attending a course in Guelph, Fergus or Orangeville.

Online Prenatal and New Parent Program

Prepare for baby by taking our prenatal and new parent class online from anywhere.