Smoke-Free Housing

In Ontario, you are protected from second-hand smoke in virtually all enclosed workplaces and public places, including public outdoor spaces. However, many of us, including children, who live in apartments, condos and townhomes remain unwillingly exposed to second-hand smoke in our own homes due drifting smoke from neighbouring units.

Second-hand smoke harms children and adults, and smoke-free housing policies are the only way to fully protect non-smokers. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, including hundreds that are toxic and about 70 that can cause cancer. Exposure to second-hand smoke can cause lung cancer, coronary heart disease, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), asthma and other diseases, and has been linked to anxiety disorders, high stress and poor mental health.

At Public Health, we provide support to landlords and tenants who wish to develop smoke-free housing policies.

Are you a landlord or property owner?

Campaign image for landlords showing the spot where a picture was removed from the wall - it's lighter in colour than the surrounding area that has been stained by tobacco smoke

Did you know that no-smoking policies are supported by the majority of Ontarians in multi-unit housing? Smoke-free buildings have lower maintenance costs and risk of fire. 

Learn how to implement a smoke-free policy in your building and protect your investment. Visit to learn more.