For Designated Officers and Emergency Service Workers (ESWs)

If an ESW has been exposed to blood or body fluids, they should go immediately (within 2 hours) to an emergency department for assessment by a physician.

A Designated Officer (DO) is an individual appointed by an emergency service organization (e.g., police, firefighters, ambulance) to act as a liaison between public health and emergency service workers (ESWs) at their organization. ESWs face increased risk of being exposed to Diseases of Public Health Significance (DOPHS) during their work. The Designated Officer acts as the ESW representative when responding to and investigating such exposures. Each organization is required to have 24-hour access to a Designated Officer

Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) works closely with Designated Officers and ESWs to provide guidance and support in managing exposures to DOPHS. This includes:

  • Providing resources and updates to DOs for distribution to ESWs.
  • Offering guidance on how to prevent and respond to potential exposures.
  • Supporting DOs and ESWs in assessing risks and accessing public health resources to ensure safety.
  • Provide resources for ESWs to minimize exposure to infectious diseases on the job

Designated Officers can call us at 1-800-265-7293 ext. 4752 or after hours at 1-877-884-8653 with questions about ESW exposures to infectious diseases, the Mandatory Blood Testing Act, recommended vaccinations for ESWs and more.