All complaints are confidential. Your information will not be shared with the facility owner, operator or staff. All information submitted on this form is handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please be advised that complaints submitted online are responded to by the next business day. If your complaint involves an immediate risk to public safety and cannot wait, please call the after-hours emergency number at 1-877-884-8653. When should I file a complaint? Public Health encourages you to file a complaint if: You think you have become sick from eating at a food premises. You have a concern about the food safety practices at a food premises. You are concerned that a food premises is selling food to the public and is not inspected by Public Health. You are aware of illegal sales of tobacco and vape products to minors. You develop an infection after receiving services from a personal service setting (i.e., beauty salon, nail salon, hair salon or barber shop, tattoo or body modification studio). You have a concern about the infection prevention practices at a personal service setting. You are concerned that a personal service setting is providing personal services to the public and is not inspected by Public Health. You have a concern about the sanitation or safety of a public pool, spa or splash pad. You have a concern regarding the infection prevention practices in a healthcare setting (Long Term Care Home or Retirement Home) or a congregate setting You have a concern regarding the infection prevention practices involving a health service provider or a regulated health professional You are concerned about the safe disposal of harm reduction supplies at or within a 15m vicinity of a Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) You should not file a complaint here related to the quality of goods and services offered. For this type of complaint, please contact the business or facility directly. If you are experiencing severe medical symptoms, please seek medical attention immediately. For public health related complaints not related to a specific facility please contact Client and Community Support. What happens after I file a complaint? A public health inspector will respond to your submission within one business day. If you think you have food poisoning, we’ll ask you about your symptoms and the food you ate. All complaints will be investigated. Complaints that have been investigated and the results of that complaint investigation reveal that the issue was valid will appear on the CheckBeforeYouChoose site. Please contact your healthcare provider or call Ontario 811 if you need medical advice. To submit your complaint, complete the form below with as much detail as possible. Complaint information Date of concern Month MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year Year202320242025 Time of occurrence Name of Facility Type of Facility * Restaurant or other food service setting Personal service setting (nail salon, hair salon, tattoo/piercing studio, etc.) Recreational water facility (pool, spa, splash pad, etc.) Health Service Provider or Regulated Health Professional (Dental office, Doctor’s office, physio, etc.) Long term care, retirement home or congregate setting Child care centre Tobacco and vape vendors Consumption and Treatment Services Facility Address Complaint/Concern Details Is this related to a food-borne illness? * Yes No Did you eat with someone else who became ill? Yes No If yes, please have them submit a separate complaint. Please include if you attended any special event or social gathering. Yes No If yes, what was the event or gathering? Please provide a list of meals, drinks and snacks you had in the three days before becoming ill. Fill out as much as you can recall. Please provide business name and location (unless items were prepared and consumed at home). Date of illness onset: Month MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year Year20232024202520262027 Food and drink consumed on the day of illness: Food and drink consumed one (1) day before illness: Food and drink consumed two (2) days before illness: Food and drink consumed three (3) days before illness: Your contact information Please provide your name, email address, or telephone number so we may contact you if needed to ensure that we have all the information needed to fully address the complaint. Remember, all complaints are confidential and your personal information will not be shared with the facility owner, operator, or staff. Name Phone Number / Email Address * Photo Attachment If you have a photo or attachment to submit with your complaint, please upload it here. Files must be less than 5 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png. The information on this form is collected under the authority of the Health Protection and Promotion Act in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Health Information Protection Act. This information will be used for the delivery of public health programs and services; the administration of the agency; and the maintenance of healthcare databases, registries and related research, in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Any questions about the collection of this information should be addressed to the Chief Privacy Officer at 1-800-265-7293 ext 2975.