This meeting will be held via Zoom. To attend, submit the request form to receive instructions to join the meeting.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.
Mission: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health protects health and promotes overall well-being so everyone in our communities can thrive.
2024 Strategic Directions:
Improve Health Outcomes: | Reduce health inequities, promote healthy choices, prepare for health risks, tailor responses and support preventative interventions. |
Focus on Children’s Health: | Support children’s services, promote best practices, influence policy, and address systemic challenges. |
Build Strong Relationships: |
Equip partners to make informed decisions, share expertise, adapt services to local needs, and support a collaborative system. |
Innovate our Programs and Services: | Invest in technology, improve resource efficiency, and foster a culture of learning and improvement. |
Lead the Way Toward Sustainable Public Health System: | Engage in provincial health changes, apply value-for-money principles, maintain a great workplace, and lead in public health. |
Item | Presenter |
1. Call to Order
We acknowledge that the work of Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health operates on the traditional lands and home of the Hodinöhsö:ni’, Anishinaabek, Tionontati, and Attawandaron people and is steeped in the tradition of many First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people. |
Dr. Mercer Dr. Mercer |
2. Disclosure(s) of Pecuniary Interest |
Dr. Mercer |
3. 2024 Inaugural Meeting Elections and Nominations
Dr. Mercer\Chair |
4. Approval of Minutes of December 3, 2023 Board of Health Meeting |
(Chair) |
5. MOH Update(s) |
Dr. Mercer |
6. Presentation(s)
Chair C. Beveridge |
7. Consent Agenda
(Chair) C. Beveridge R. Isley |
8. Board of Health (BOH) Reports
C. Beveridge |
9. Committee (Verbal) Reports
(Chair) |
10. Correspondence
(Chair) |
(Chair) |
12. Adjournment
(Chair) |