Tobacconist and Specialty Vape Shop Retailers

Smoke Free Ontario Act, 2017

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA), 2017 regulates the sale, supply, use, display and promotion of both tobacco and vapour products while also regulating the smoking and vaping of cannabis. The SFOA, 2017 is enforced by Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit Tobacco and Vaping Enforcement officers and protects and regulates smoking in public places.

The SFOA, 2017 prohibits smoking of tobacco, cannabis and vaping in/on the following spaces:

  • Enclosed (indoor) public places
  • Enclosed work places such as office buildings, factories and vehicles
  • Common areas of multi-unit dwellings such as apartment buildings and condos
  • Playgrounds and sports fields, on and within 20 meters.
  • Hospitals, including inside of premise and entire hospital property.
  • Long-term care homes, including inside of premise and within nine meters of any entrance or exit.
  • Motor vehicles while child(ren) under 16 years is/are present.
  • Child care centres and home child care locations.
  • Spectator areas of sport and entertainment venues.
  • Bar and restaurant patios, on and within nine metres.
  • Schools, on and within 20 metres of school property.
  • Recreational facilities, on and within a 20 metres of the entire property.

Information for retailers

A Guide for Retailers English and French (PDF) versions are available to help owners, employers and employees understand the requirements set out in the SFOA, 2017 regarding the sale, supply, display and promotion of tobacco and vapour products. You can also learn more about selling and displaying tobacco and vapour products on Government of Ontario website.

A tobacconist’s or specialty vape shop’s registration must be updated yearly with the Board of Health. The annual renewal deadline is January 31 of the year of registration. Expiration of the registration is January 3 of the year after the registration is issued. See below for registration information.

Tobacconist registration
Specialty Vape Shop (SVS) registration


“No smoking/no vaping” signs are required by law at all places where the smoking of tobacco and cannabis, and vaping of any substance is prohibited under SFOA, 2017. Tobacco and e-cigarette retailers are also required to post additional signage. For more information visit No smoking, no vaping signs for businesses (Government of Ontario).

If you are responsible for the operation of a business, enclosed public space or other space in which smoking and vaping is prohibited, you are required to post signage.

To request free signage, contact 519-822-2715 ext 4753 or email

How to submit a complaint

If you have questions or witness someone smoking, vaping or otherwise not complying with these regulations you may submit a complaint by:

When submitting a complaint, please provide as much information as possible, including date, time, location and activity taking place (i.e., smoking in workplace vehicle). All complaints are investigated by a Tobacco Enforcement Officer.

For school related complaints, please visit Report Tobacco Use on School Property to submit an online complaint form.

To report vendors selling tobacco or vaping products to minors online, complete and submit the Enforcement Report: Selling or Supplying Tobacco or E-Cigarettes to a Person Under 19 Years Old form.