Human Resources Committee Minutes for June 14, 2017

June 14, 2017 > 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Guelph Office - Trillium Room
Present: William Baxter (Chair), Margaret Abbink, June Hofland and Lambert Otten.
Regrets: Dennis Lever, Nancy Sullivan and Allen Taylor and Dr. Mercer.
Staff: Chris Beveridge, Liz Bowden, Andrea Roberts, Rita Sethi, Justin Brown and Sylvia Muir (Recording Secretary).
Guests: NONE.

1. Call to Order

W. Baxter called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
L. Otten was welcomed to the Human Resources Committee.

2. Disclosure(s) of Pecuniary Interest

There are no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared at this time.

3. Approval of Agenda

MOTION: “To approve the Agenda for the June 14, 2017 meeting, as presented.”
Moved: M. Abbink
Seconded: J. Hofland

4. Approval of Minutes

MOTION: “To approve the Open Session Minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting of December 7, 2016 – not including the Closed Session Minutes of December 7, 2016.”
Moved: J. Hofland
Seconded: M. Abbink

5. Presentation(s)

  • NONE.

6. Human Resources Committee Report(s):

BH.05.JUN1417.R01 – 2016 Human Resources Report

L. Bowden reviewed Human Resources Committee Report BH.05.JUN1417.R01, as follows:

  • This Report outlines the work completed in 2016 regarding the on-going progress towards the achievement of this Strategy.
  • Discussion took place around some of the highlights of the document including: (i) an audit was performed on WDGPH HR files and thereafter a new file system was implemented; (ii) WDGPH has undertaken a new Performance Management System with the next step being implementation, (iii) key staff training was completed; and (iv) continuous improvement has resulted in 35 Policies and Procedures being eliminated with any critical policy and procedure information being incorporated into the employee handbook or existing policies and procedures.

MOTION: “That the Human Resources Committee makes recommendation to the Board to Health to receive Human Resources Committee Report BH.05.JUN1417.R01 – 2016 Human Resources Report, as presented, for information.”
Moved: M. Abbink
Seconded: J. Hofland

BH.05.JUN1417.R02 – 2017 Human Resources Strategy

L. Bowden reviewed Human Resources Committee Report BH.05.JUN1417.R02, as follows:

  • During the preparation of the 2016 Human Resources Strategy Summary Report, and in keeping with a commitment to continuous improvement, the Strategy document was enhanced.
  • The 2017 updates to the Human Resources Strategy aligns with the pending January 1, 2018 implementation of the Accountability Framework and Organizational Requirements and the Modernized Ontario Standards for Public Health Programs and Services, as we understand them today.
  • Discussion took place around some of the highlights of the document including: (i) WDGPH is the host of the Poverty Elimination Task Force and is committed to the Living Wage Initiative as defined by the Poverty Elimination Task Force; and (ii) WDGPH has implemented a Program Budgeting and Marginal Analysis (PBMA) initiative to determine optimal utilization of available resources.

MOTION: “That the Human Resources Committee makes recommendation to the Board to Health to receive Human Resources Committee Report BH.05.JUN1417.R02 – 2017 Human Resources Strategy, as presented, for information.”
Moved: M. Abbink
Seconded: J. Hofland

7. Closed Session:

  • To approve the Closed Session Human Resources Committee Minutes of December 7, 2016.

The question was asked as to whether anyone has any questions about the Closed Session Human Resources Committee Minutes of December 7, 2016. None being identified the Closed Session Minutes of December 7, 2016 were approved, as presented.

MOTION: “To approve the Closed Session Minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting of December 7, 2016, as presented.”
Moved: J. Hofland
Seconded: M. Abbink

8. Next Meeting:

  • At the call of the Chair.

9. Adjournment at 1:46 p.m.

MOTION: “To adjourn meeting.”
Moved: L. Otten
Seconded: M. Abbink

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