About Procurement
Our Procurement team, located at 160 Chancellors Way, Guelph, is responsible for facilitating Agency acquisitions, regardless of the funding source and for ensuring that Agency procurement is carried out in a transparent and accountable manner.
We welcome you as a potential supplier/contractor and will be pleased to respond to any enquires you may have regarding our procurement policy and procedures.
Please direct your procurement questions to 1-800-265-7293 ext. 4346 or purchasing@wdgpublichealth.ca.
How to do business with us
The first step is finding the opportunity that best suits the goods or services you offer.
Our open opportunities can be viewed on the Bids and Tenders website.
This will provide an up-to-date list of our open opportunities of Requests for Proposal (RFP), Requests for Quotation (RFQ), Requests for Information (RFI) and Invitations to Tender (ITT).
Once you have made the decision to bid on an open opportunity, you can register and purchase and download those documents that you are interested in.
To make sure that you get all of the information you need, any additional addenda or attachments will be posted on Bids and Tenders. Make sure that you check Bids and Tenders regularly or set yourself up to have an email automatically sent to you.
Not comfortable with computers? Bids and Tenders has a help desk available to answer your questions.
View current open bid opportunities
Please feel free to call us at 1-800-265-7293 ext. 4346 for more information.
Procurement policy and procedures
Our procurement procedure outlines the approach that will be taken when procuring goods and services and is based on the standard information found in the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive Implementation Guidebook.
The purpose of our procurement policy is to:
- Promote and maintain the accountability of our purchasing process
- Obtain the best value for money
- Ensure the procurement process is open, fair and transparent
- Identify the purchasing policy as aligned to the Ontario Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive
- Ensure that, when procuring goods and services, we will incorporate accessibility design criteria and features when required
Co-operative procurement
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health participates in the Guelph Co-operative Purchasing Group and monitors all co-operative agreements open to join for those opportunities that are in the best interest of the agency.
Other co-operative agreements can be found Ontario Education Collaborative Marketplace (OECM) and the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGS).