Congratulations! You’re pregnant!
With pregnancy there is a lot of information to take in and a lot of decisions to make. We’re here to help! If you have any questions or concerns about your health or baby’s development along the way, give our Client and Community Support Call Centre a call.
When searching for pregnancy information online, there are a few easy checks you can do that will help you identify whether you can trust the website you’re reading. For example, if a site is offering medical advice but also selling products, there might be a conflict of interest (a bias in their information that will help them sell more product).
The resources we recommend for health information are from reputable organizations that base their advice on research.
First trimester checklist: mom comes first
- Choose a healthcare provider (family doctor, obstetrician or midwife) and book your first prenatal appointment.
- Ask your healthcare provider about and make sure your immunizations are up-to-date.
- Take a prenatal vitamin every day.
- Find out what foods to avoid when pregnant.
- If you smoke cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or cannabis (or use cannabis/marijuana or other drugs in any form), quit as soon as possible for a healthier baby. Ask your healthcare provider for help if you need it. Second hand smoke during pregnancy (the smell and chemicals left behind) is also dangerous for you and your baby.
- No amount of alcohol is safe to drink while pregnant. Tell your healthcare provider if you’ve been drinking alcohol during your pregnancy so they can help you and your baby get the medical care you need.
- Listen to your body and rest! It is common to need to sleep a LOT during the first trimester.
- Fit physical activity into your day. Being active during pregnancy can lessen aches and pains, improve sleep, decrease the chance of depression and pregnancy-related conditions like high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, and even make labour easier! Talk to your healthcare provider to figure out the right level of physical activity for you.
- Have your teeth cleaned and your oral health checked during the first trimester. Remember to tell your oral health professional that you are expecting. If you’re one of the 85% of women who experience morning sickness, you may want to book your appointment for a time of day when you have less nausea.
- Sign up for a prenatal program
- The Sensible Guide for a Healthy Pregnancy covers topics like prenatal nutrition, physical activity, smoking, alcohol, dental/oral health and emotional health.
Partners’ corner
The first trimester can be as big an adjustment for partners as it is for pregnant women. It is important to support each other during this time.
In the first trimester, partners can:
- Help out more with chores, especially those that might expose the pregnant woman to hidden household toxins or that might make her feel sick to her stomach (cooking certain foods, for example).
- Support her to maintain a healthy lifestyle – for example, by encouraging her to take a walk with you or by preparing healthy snacks to share.
- Ask her what she needs from you.
- Give her encouragement and affection.
- Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy covers topics like prenatal nutrition, physical activity, smoking, alcohol, dental/oral health and emotional health.
- is a website and app that walks you through each stage of pregnancy (and birth). It provides Ontario-specific resources to help you make the decisions that are right for you, your baby and your family.
- Health811: A registered nurse can answer your health questions 24-hours a day, seven days a week for free. Call 1-866-797-0000.
- MotherToBaby provides phone, email or live chat access to an expert for one-on-one counselling about the risk or safety of medications, alcohol, herbal products, chemicals, X-rays, infections, and chronic conditions (e.g., high blood pressure, asthma, epilepsy, depression) during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Here 24 Seven. 24-hour, 7 days a week help line providing intake, assessment and referrals for addictions, mental health and crisis support. Call 1-844-437-3247 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.
Looking forward? Read ahead to your second trimester >