IMPORTANT: Contact your healthcare provider or Telehealth at 1-866-797-0000 today if:
- Your baby is very sleepy and hard to wake for feedings.
- Your baby is crying and will not settle after feedings.
- Your baby does not have enough wet and dirty diapers.
- You have a concern or feel that something is not right with your baby.
- Your nipples are sore and are not getting better.
- You have a fever, chills, flu-like symptoms, or a red and painful area on your breast.
- You feel overwhelmed or not able to cope.
Free breastfeeding support is also available from:
- Your midwife or doctor
- Health Connect Ontario: Get breastfeeding advice and referrals 24 hours a day, seven days a week by visiting Health811 online or calling 811 or TTY: 1-866-797-0000. Callers will be connected to an RN who can answer BF questions. RN may refer to a lactation consultant who is available 24/7. Once the RN makes the referral, the lactation consultant will call back within 30 minutes or can schedule a time for them to call back.
Free breastfeeding supports in Dufferin County and East Wellington and how to participate
Upper Grand Family Health Team
Infant Feeding Drop-In: Breasts & Bottles, 107-6420 Beatty Line Rd. N., Fergus
Peer-to-peer infant feeding support, and encouragement for pregnant, breastfeeding and bottle feeding parents. A trained facilitator is available to provide information and assistance.
- Drop-in Thursdays from 1:00–2:00 p.m. (Check the Upper Grand Family Health Team website for exact dates)
- Call 519-843-3947 for more information or visit Upper Grand Family Health Team Infant Feeding: Breasts and Bottles or EarlyON Child and Family Centre.
Dufferin Area Family Health Team
Latch & Learn Weekly Drop-in Infant Feeding Clinic, Lounge at The Centre, 375 Hensen Blvd, Orangeville:
Free access to a lactation consultant. Baby feeding and prenatal support from Registered Dietitians and Allied Health Professionals with specialized training. Families and supportive persons welcome. Baby scales available.
- Mondays from 9:00-11:00 a.m.
- Mondays from 5:00-7:00 p.m.
- Thursdays from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
For more information call 519-938-8802 ext. 331.
La Leche League
Accredited La Leche League leaders provide mother-to-mother breastfeeding information, encouragement and support. Phone support and meetings are available. Visit La Leche League Canada for more information.
Additional free breastfeeding supports & information
Health811 1-866-797-0000
A free, confidential telephone service you can call for breastfeeding help from a Registered Nurse. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit Telehealth Ontario to learn more.
Doctors’ Breastfeeding Clinic (Brampton)
Call 1-888-807-0650 or email to book an appointment. Visit their website for more information.
Bilingual Online Ontario Breastfeeding Services
Search for breastfeeding services across Ontario at
Go to MotherToBaby for information on the risk and safety of medications, alcohol, herbal products, chemicals, X-rays, infections, and chronic conditions (e.g., nausea & vomiting of pregnancy, asthma, diabetes, depression) during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Best Start Resource Centre
Best Start offers a wide range of parenting and breastfeeding resources.
Other Public Health offices
Fee-for-service breastfeeding supports
WDG Public Health does not promote individual lactation consultants, doulas, or other practitioners. For more resources and information on working with independent practitioners, please refer to the following organizations:
- Find a doula at the Association of Ontario Doulas or contact regional representative Dawn Humphrey at 519-993-7103 or
Breast pump rentals
- Online Breastpump Rental - call 647-807-0711 or visit their website.