Board of Health

Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health is governed by an autonomous Board of Health. The Board consists of elected and appointed representatives from the municipalities of Wellington and Dufferin Counties and the City of Guelph.

Board of Health meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month starting at 2 p.m. (no meetings are held in July, August, October and January). They are open to the public and held in the Guelph Public Health office (160 Chancellors Way) or virtually when appropriate.

2025 Meetings: 

  • February 5, 2025
  • March 5, 2025
  • April 2, 2025
  • May 7, 2025
  • June 4, 2025
  • September 3, 2025
  • November 5, 2025
  • December 3, 2025

Board of Health meeting agendas and reports are posted the Monday prior to monthly meetings. Minutes are posted after they are approved at the next monthly meeting.

Addressing the Board

Written comments to the Board may be submitted to the Chair at any time, and upon receipt will be forwarded by the Chair to Board of Health members.

Persons wishing to address the Board of Health must notify the Office of the Medical Officer of Health, at least forty-eight (48) hours before the Agenda for the meeting is posted, in order that the person may be listed on the Agenda and the subject of the presentation be identified. The person shall provide a written detail of the submission, including any visual presentation material, at least one week before the Board of Health meeting in order for this material to be received by the Board of Health. Any delegation of more than one person shall be limited to one speaker. A member of the Board of Health may introduce the delegation in addition to the speaker.

All persons and delegations addressing the Board of Health shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes, unless given special permission by the Board of Health. When more than one person is addressing the Board of Health on the same subject, such persons following the first person shall not repeat that which was covered by the preceding speaker(s).

No person shall be permitted to address the Board of Health on a subject not on the Agenda, unless by permission of the Board of Health by a two-thirds majority vote, except where a person has statutory right to be heard by the Board of Health. Persons who have a statutory right to be heard by the Board of Health include, but are not limited to,

  • The Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and his or her deputies;
  • The Chief Medical Officer of Health and the Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health and their deputies or agents;
  • The Medical Officer of Health of the BOH and the Associate Medical Officer of Health of the BOH, unless the discussion relates to their remuneration or performance of their duties;
  • An Assessor appointed by the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care; and
  • A person whose right to address the BOH arises pursuant to an Order of a Judge of a Court of competent jurisdiction.

For further information on addressing the board please review By-Law No. 1: The General By-Law of the Board of Health for the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Health Unit and the Addressing the Board of Health Policy and Procedure.

2025 Board of Health members

George Bridge (Chair), Citizen Appointee
Representing County of Wellington

David Anderson, Councillor, County of Wellington
Representing County of Wellington

Chris White (Secretary-Treasurer), Warden, County of Wellington, Mayor, Township of Guelph-Eramosa
Representing County of Wellington

Linda Busuttil (Vice-Chair), Councillor, City of Guelph
Representing City of Guelph

Erin Caton, Councillor, City of Guelph
Representing City of Guelph

Rodrigo Goller, Councillor, City of Guelph
Representing City of Guelph

Guy Gardhouse, Councillor, County of Dufferin; Mayor, Township of East Garafraxa
Representing County of Dufferin

Ralph Manktelow, Councillor, County of Dufferin
Representing County of Dufferin

Dr. Nicola Mercer (Ex-Officio Member), WDG Public Health, MOH & CEO 
Representing WDG Public Health

Steve Cavell, Provincial Appointee
Representing County of Dufferin

Dr. Duncan Bull, Provincial Appointee
Representing County of Wellington

Sandra Starr, Provincial Appointee
Representing County of Dufferin

Vacant, Provincial Appointee
Representing City of Guelph

Board of Health meeting agendas, minutes, and reports on this website have been prepared in this format for the purposes of convenience only and are not certified true copies. For accurate reference, call 1-800-265-7293 ext. 4330 to speak with the Executive Assistant.