Menu Reviews

Child care centres located in Wellington County, Dufferin County and the City of Guelph can have their menus reviewed by a Registered Dietitian (RD) at Public Health. 

Menus can be submitted for review at any time during the year. The amount of time required to review a menu will vary depending on staff capacity.

The Child Care Menu Planning - Practical Guide (2024) by the Ontario Dietitians in Public Health can be used to plan your menu by providing information on:

  • Meals and snack patterns
  • Adding variety
  • Food and beverage choices (serve, limit, do not serve)

The Registered Dietitian will use this guidance to ensure that the menu meets food and drink requirements of the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014.

Additional resources to support menu planning can be found on the Ontario Dietitians in Public Health website:

How to get a menu reviewed

Visit our Menu Submission page for information, menu templates and resources to help submit your menu for review.

Only child care centres in Wellington County, Dufferin County and the City of Guelph are eligible for menu reviews with WDG Public Health.

If you have questions, email