Mission Statement:
“Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health uses an innovative approach to deliver evidence-informed programs and services to meet the distinctive needs of our communities.”
The purpose of the Audit Committee (hereto “the Committee”) is to provide recommendations to the Board of Health (BOH) regarding all matters regarding the annual audit according to the By-laws of the BOH and any other matter referred to it.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Request that the auditors of the largest municipal funding agency of Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) begin the auditing process.
- Meet with the auditors without staff and receive and exchange information with the auditors as part of the annual review of the audit.
- Ensure that all questions or concerns from the auditors regarding the auditing results have been answered by staff.
- Present to the BOH for approval the audited financial statements and related recommendations.
- Review and report back to the BOH on any other matter of agency risk that is referred to the Committee via the BOH, the Auditor or Medical Officer of Health.
It shall be the duty of the Chair of the Committee or designate:
i. To report to the BOH on all matters referred to them and to recommend such action as they deem necessary;
ii. To forward to the BOH the minutes of the meetings;
iii. To forward to the incoming Committee for the following year any matter undisposed of.
The Committee will be composed of a minimum of three (3) voting members of the BOH and ex-officio members. Ex-officio members may include the Chair of the BOH, Medical Officer of Health and one (1) or more Directors of WDGPH.
Review & Update:
To be reviewed every 2 years and updated, as necessary.
A Chair will be appointed at the inaugural meeting of the BOH in accordance with the By-laws.
Recording Secretary:
The Medical Officer of Health or designate will ensure that appropriate confidential secretarial services are provided to this committee.
The Committee will determine at their first meeting the number of scheduled meetings for the year. Additional meetings will take place at the call of the Chair. An agenda will be circulated, along with the minutes of the previous meeting at least two (2) days prior to the meeting.
Minutes of Meetings:
Minutes of previous Audit Committee meetings will be circulated in advance of all Committee meetings. Copies of all approved minutes will be maintained by the office of the Chief Executive Officer and Medical Officer of Health.
As per the By-laws of the WDGPH BOH:
“A majority of the members of a Committee constitutes a quorum for that Committee. Quorum does not include ex-officio Committee members, including the BOH Chair if attending in an ex-officio capacity or BOH members who have not been appointed by the BOH to that Committee but who have exercised their right to attend. The Chair of the Committee is counted as a member of the Committee for purposes of determining quorum but, does not have to be present for the meeting to proceed or for quorum to be reached.”