BH.04.NOV1716.R18: Expansion of Fluoride Varnish Program

Finance Committee Report BH.04.NOV1716.R18

November 17, 2016

Report to: Finance Committee, Board of Health 

Submitted by: Elizabeth Bowden, Interim Director of Administration



(a) That the Finance Committee makes recommendation to the Board of Health to receive this report, for information.
(b) That the Finance Committee makes recommendation to the Board of Health to approve the transfer of $66,647 2016 surplus dollars into the new Fluoride Varnish Reserve for the expansion to five (5) additional high-risk schools, if available, as of December 31, 2016. 


A report was provided to the Board of Health on November 2, 2016 about the effectiveness of fluoride varnish in preventing tooth decay and the cost effectiveness of providing this program to students in high risk schools in Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph. Details can be found in Board of Health Report BH.01.NOV0216.R18 – Fluoride Varnish Program in High Risk Elementary Schools. The Board of Health approved a motion to forward discussion on this report and the expansion options presented to the November 17, 2016 Finance Committee meeting and to direct the Finance Committee to discuss the option to fund the expansion of fluoride varnish to an additional five (5) high-risk elementary schools from any 2016 positive year-end variance. 

Public Health and/or Financial Implications

As outlined in Board of Health Report BH.01.NOV0216.R18 – Fluoride Varnish Program in High Risk Elementary Schools, currently, WDGPH provides fluoride varnish applications to students at seven (7) high-risk elementary schools across Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph. The funding to provide this program to the current seven (7) schools is budgeted for in the Cost-Shared Mandatory Programs budget.

The cost to fund expansion of the Fluoride Varnish Program to five (5) additional high-risk schools is estimated to be $21,777 annually.

The positive impacts of this program are realized over time. If a program expansion is approved, WDGPH requires the ability to continue to provide services in the medium term (3 years) to attain the positive impacts of the program on population health. The cost of providing this program to five (5) additional high schools for three years is $66,647, assuming a 2% increase in costs each year. 

Management recommends that the funding source for the expansion to five (5) additional high-risk schools be a new Fluoride Varnish Reserve, which would be set-up at the 2016 year-end. In order to ensure the stability of any expansion program undertaken, management’s recommendation is that a minimum of three (3) years’ operating funds for this expansion be the target balance for this Reserve. A separate reserve is preferable for bookkeeping purposes.

Any 2016 year-end surpluses, up to the target balance identified in Recommendation (b) above, could be transferred into this Reserve for this purpose. Evaluation of the impact of the fluoride varnish program, as well as the cost on these five (5) additional schools, will be provided to the Board of Health annually. 





Prepared by: Shanna O’Dwyer Manager, Finance 

Reviewed by: Elizabeth Bowden, Interim Director of Administration

Approved by: Dr. Nicola Mercer, Medical Officer of Health & CEO

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