Personnel Committee Report: Staff Training BH.05.APR1216.R01

April 12, 2016

Report to: Personnel Committee, Board of Health

Submitted by: Elizabeth Bowden, (Interim) Director, Human Resources and Corporate Services



(a) That the Personnel Committee makes recommendation to the Board of Health to receive this report for information. 


The investment in training and development of staff enables an organization to learn and grow.  It creates the ability to adapt to the changing needs of clients and the communities serviced by WDGPH.

Training provides knowledge and skills where employees have gaps creating the opportunity for maximum individual success.  Training also provides an opportunity for employees to increase their knowledge and skills enabling them to provide a greater contribution to the agency and its clients through enhanced programs/services. When employees have the same basic knowledge of processes and procedures, there is a flow and consistency in the delivery of services, providing measurable feedback to the organization and a predictable experience for the client.  In addition, training and development provide increased employee engagement as the organization invests in them and their professional development, employees engage to provide enhanced service to the organization.

WDGPH is committed to ensuring staff are able to deliver the array of diverse programs required to fulfil mandated obligations and support client needs.

Appendix “1” outlines mandatory and voluntary programs that were completed, internally, in 2015.  Internal programs generally include all the employees in a program/division or across the entire agency.  There are no budgetary costs to this training.  Staff time is the agency cost for these internal programs.

Appendix “2” outlines mandatory and voluntary training programs and conferences employees attended, externally, in 2015. The majority was voluntary as staff seek ongoing professional development.  External training generally have one or just a few participants, with the participants sharing the learning with their peers.  The budgetary costs to this training were $108,432, plus staff time to attend these programs.

WDGPH continues to explore development opportunities for staff to ensure the professional delivery of programs and services based on the needs of the clients within the requirements of the standards.


Organizational Capacity

We will improve our capacity to effectively deliver public health programs and services.

  • We will support a work culture of continuous learning. 


The Ontario Public Health Standards require boards of health to:

“…assess, plan, deliver, manage, and evaluate public health programs and services to meet local needs, while continuing to work towards common outcomes, boards of health shall be guided by the following principles: Need, Impact, Capacity, and Partnership and Collaboration[1].”

The area of Capacity states:

“The cornerstone of public health is the quality of its workforce. Programs and services provided by boards of health shall be planned and delivered by staff with both the required technical and professional skills, including core competencies in public health as well as competencies in public health disciplines[2].”

Ontario Public Health Organizational Standards

6.15 Staff development[3]

The board of health shall ensure that the administration develops a workforce development plan which identifies the training needs of staff, including discipline specific and management training, and encourages opportunities for the development of core competencies and partnerships with academic institutions.

The board of health shall ensure that the administration provides formal and informal opportunities for leadership development, such as educational programs, membership in professional associations, coaching and mentoring, for staff at all organizational levels and with consideration to equity and fairness.

The board of health shall ensure that the administration fosters an interest in public health practice for future health professionals by supporting student placements.






Accessible Customer Service Standard

Applicant Tracking System

Accommodation in Employment Training

Electronic Timesheets

Agency Orientation

Employee Self-Serve (ESS)/Info:HR System Training

All Policies and Procedures Mandatory for Orientation


Baby Friendly Initiative


Cold Chain Training

Mask Fit Test: 3M 1870/9210

Internal Emergency Codes

Mask Fit Test: 3M 8110S

Management Expense Training

Fire Extinguisher Training

Non-Violent Crisis Intervention

Flu Training

Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) Training

Internal Emergency Codes

Privacy Guidance Document

Safe Driving Video

PHIPA Privacy Training - External (Brendan Gray)

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

Safe Driving Video

Workplace Violence & Harassment Training

Staff Web Expense Training

Worker Health and Safety Awareness

Worker Health and Safety Awareness



CA.56.01.108 - Disposal of Biohazardous Materials and Management of Exposure

Coaching for Success

CA.58.01.100 - Privacy Governance Policy and Procedure

Conflict & Me

Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) Training

Essentials of Leadership



Budget Training 2015


Certificate in Infection Control




Management Expense Training


WDGPH External Training 2015

ROLE SPECIFC TRAINING - Often only 1 or 1 people attend each of these.xx
Course Name Course Name Course Name
Safe Talk Workshop

Best Start Resource Centre - Annual

Communication in Inter-Professional
2015 Association of Ontario Public
Health Business Administrators
(AOPHBA) Conference
Best Start Resource Centre - Annual
Community Data Program Annual
Leads Conference
2015 Association of Public Health
Epidemiologists in Ontario (APHEO)
Workshop Conference
Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) 20hr
Train-the-Trainer Workshop
Central Service Association of Ontario
(CSAO) Medical Devices
Reprocessing Techniques
Apple Cider Production Workshop BFI Capacity Building Day and BFI
Central West Infection Control Network (CWICN)
Environmental Workshop

2015 Better Outcomes Registry &
Network (BORN) Ontario Conference

BORN Ontario Conference

Editing Out Bias

2015 Health School Communities
National Forum

Breastfeeding Level 2

Education Program for Immunization Competencies (EPIC)

2015 Health School Communities 
National Forum
Breastfeeding Level 2 Course

Environmental Cleaning and
Disinfection Workshop

2015 Personal Health Information
Protection Act (PHIPA) Connections

Breastfeeding Updates with Kathy

Ensemble Prévenons l’Obésité Des
Enfants’ (EPODE) Obesity Prevention:
Community Strategies

A Framework for Analyzing Public

Buckle Up Bears Annual Car Seat

EPODE Workshop – Obesity
Prevention Strategy for Children

A Key Aspect of Overall Oral Health

Building Defensible Bid Evaluations

Municipal Planning 1 (Course #
EXLUP 8215)

A Key Aspect of Overall Oral Health
Strategy: Fluoride Varnish

Burlington Physical Literacy Summit

Expanding Horizons for the Early

Achieving Success with Difficult

Canadian Benefits Program Certificate

Expanding Horizons for the Early
Years: Infant Mental Health Promotion
(IMHP) Conference

Addressing the Challenges of Poverty

Canadian Lactation Consultants
Association Conference

Feeding and Swallowing: Practical
Assessment and Intervention

Association of Public Health Nursing
Management in Ontario (ANDSOOHA)

Canon DSLR Camera and Video Use

First Steps for the Speech-Language
Pathologist (S-LP) –
The Infant-Toddler Showing At-Risk Signs for
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Antimicrobial Stewardship in Hospitals

Ceridian Insync Payroll Processing

Food for Health Research Forum

APHEO 2015 Conference

Ceridian Year End Seminar

Food Safety for Cider Producers

Association of Supervisors of Public
Health Inspectors of Ontario (ASPHIO)
Fall Conference & Electronic Cigarettes
Act (ECA) Training

Child Care Cooks Conference

Germiphene Infection Control &
Occupation Health Town Hall

ROLE SPECIFIC TRAINING – Often only 1 or 2 people attend each of these.

Course Name Course Name Course Name

ASPHIO Spring Conference

Childhood Apraxia of Speech: A
Multi-Sensory Approach

Get Assertive!

Association of Ontario Public Health
Business Administrators

Canadian Institute of Public Health
Inspectors (CIPHI) 2015 Annual
Education Conference

Hay Group - Introduction to Job

Avaya Communication Server 100

CIPHI Conference Webinar
Session 3

HIV Point of Care (POC) Testing

Avaya Communication Server 1000

CIPHI Conference Webinar
Session 5

How to Reduce the Oral Health &
Dental Care Gap Between Rich & Poor

Barriers to Accessing Oral Health Care
for Low-income Adults

Canadian Mental Health Association
(CMHA) Safe Talk Workshop

Infant Mental Health – Community
Training Institute

Battling Barriers to Women’s Health

Collaborative and Proactive
Solutions – Dr. Ross Greene

Infant Mental Health and Early

Basic Emergency Management

Collective Agreement Training

Infection Control and Occupational
Health & Safety

Best Start Conference 2015

Coming Alongside the Struggling

Infection Prevention and Control

Infectious Diseases 2015 Workshop

Ontario Association of Public Health
Dentistry (OAPHD) Quarterly

Taking Action to Create a Healthier
Food Environment

International Society of Travel

Obesity in Preconception and

The 4-C’s in Solving the Caries Puzzle

Introduction to Geographical
Information System (GIS) for Public

Ontario Association of Public Health
Dentistry (OAPHD) Education Day

The Ontario Baby-Friendly Initiative 2015

Introduction to Incident Management

Ontario Library Association

The Ontario Public Health Conference

Introductory Media Training Workshop

Ontario Public Health Library
Association Annual General Meeting
and Conference

Think Globally Act Locally

Inventory Module – Panorama

Opening Doors

The Ontario Public Health Conference
(TOPHC) Conference Workshop –

Institute of Public Health
Administration of Canada (IPAC) – Pan

Oshup (Technology) Conference

Training Auditory Processing in
Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD)

IPAC-Central South Ontario (CSO) and
Public Health Ontario (PHO) Annual
Infection Prevention and Control Day

Ontario Society of Nutrition
Professionals in Public Health
(OSNPPH) Conference – Fueling
Public Health Nutrition

Translating Research into Policy and

IPAC-Peel and Neighbouring Areas
(PANA) Spring Education Event

OSNPPH Conference – Fueling
Public Health Nutrition

Translating Research into Policy and

Knowledge Mobilization Certificate
Course #1

PHO Infectious Disease Workshop

Trauma Essentials: A
Transformational Day

Land-Use Planning

PHO Infectious Disease Workshop

Travel Medicine Review and Update

ROLE SPECIFIC TRAINING – Often only 1 or 2 people attend each of these.

Course Name

Course Name

Course Name

Linking for Healthy Communities:
Action for Change

Phonological Awareness: An

Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD)
Networking Day

Mental Health Awareness

Practical Leadership for Employee

VPD Professional Development Day

Mental Health, From a Personal
Perspective in the Workplace

Primary Care Teen Triple P
(Level 3)

Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public
Health – Infection Connection

Microsoft Specialist: Windows 7 Boot
Camp for Desktop Administer

Public Health Ethics in Practice:
Applying Frameworks

Wells and Water Systems

Motivation Strategies Related to

Quality and Safety Summit 2015

Workers Compensation Administration

Moving Towards Change: Motivational

Resilience: A Paradigm Shift

Workers Compensation Administration

Moving Towards Change: Self-
Management Training

Social Thinking Conference

University of Guelph Sexuality

MS Word

Star 12 All-Access Training Pass


National Conference on Ending
Homelessness 2015

Sexually Transmitted Infections
(STI) Update


Navigating Negotiated Request for
Proposal (RFPs): Advanced Planning
and Deployment

Suicide Alertness for Everyone


Nursing Child Assessment Satellite
Training (NCAST) Parent Child
Interaction (PCI) Instructor Workshop

Suicide Awareness


Not by Accident – Cannabis Policy

Superwoman: Battling Barriers to
Women’s Health


Not by Accident Conference

Supplier Performance Management
Practices and Systems



[1] Ontario. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Ontario public health standards. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario; 2008 [revised 2014 May 1; cited 2014 May 1]. Available from:… [PDF].
[1] Ontario. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Ontario public health standards. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario; 2008 [revised 2014 May 1; cited 2014 May 1]. Available from:… [PDF].
[1] Ontario Public Health Organizational Standards. Ministry of Health and Long-term Care. Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport. February 2011© Queens Printer for Ontario 2011… PDF].

Prepared by: Elizabeth Bowden,
(Interim) Director, Human Resources and Corporate

Reviewed by: Dr. Nicola Mercer,
Medical Officer of Health &

Approved by: Dr. Nicola Mercer,
Medical Officer of Health & 

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Binary Data