BH.05.OCT1116.R12: WDGPH HR Strategy

Human Resources Committee Report BH.05.OCT1116.R12

October 11, 2016 

Report to: Human Resources Committee, Board of Health

Submitted by: Dr. Nicola Mercer, Medical Officer of Health & CEO 



(a) That the Human Resources Committee make recommendation to the Board of Health to receive this report, as presented, for information. 


The Ontario Public Health Organizational Standards outlines in section 6.14 the requirements that:

The board of health shall ensure that the administration establishes a human resources strategy, based on a workforce assessment which considers the competencies, composition and size of the workforce, as well as community composition, and includes initiatives for the recruitment, retention, professional development and leadership development of the public health unit workforce.1

WDGPH has launched its 2016 – 2020 Strategic Plan, “Building Health Tomorrows Today”. This plan outlines the overall WDGPH organizational values: Advocacy, Engagement, Excellence, Respect and Transparency. The WDGPH HR Strategy supports the Agency goals and objectives while, in addition to ensuring regulatory compliance, ensures human resource compliance as outlined in the Ontario Public Health Organizational Standards (OPHOS). 


Appendix ‘A’ – WDGPH Human Resources Strategy


Ontario Public Health Organizational Standards, 2011


1 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. [Online].; 2016. Available from:

Prepared by: Justin Brown Manager, Human Resources, Administrative Services 

Reviewed by: Elizabeth Bowden Interim Director, Administrative Services 

Approved by: Dr. Nicola Mercer, Medical Officer of Health & CEO 

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