Four suspected drug-related deaths in two weeks

Public Advisory

The Wellington Guelph Drug Strategy is warning about substances circulating in the Guelph area may be stronger than usual, based on:

  • 17 drug poisoning in the last two weeks, including four suspected drug-related deaths
  • Light purple fentanyl has been involved in atypical drug poisoning events:
    • normal breathing rate
    • completely unresponsive (even to pain stimuli)
    • extremely low heart rate
    • requiring higher than normal naloxone administration

Reduce your risk of overdose
✓ Carry naloxone
✓ Never use alone*
✓ Start low and go slow (e.g., with any new purchase, start with 1/3 of a normal dose)
✓ Use the Consumption and Treatment Services Site (CTS) supervised by health professionals at Guelph’s Community Health Centre – open Monday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Last entry at 4 p.m.

*If you are using alone, the National Overdose Response Service is a free and anonymous service that you can call to check in on you. Available toll-free, 24/7 at: 1-888-688- NORS (6677).

Visit for more.

Health Alert: Four suspected drug-related deaths in two weeks (PDF)