School Dental Screening and Fluoride Varnish Clinics

Dental Screening

Our registered dental hygienists visit elementary schools and provide a quick check of students’ teeth. They let parents/guardians know if they see any problems, such as large cavities, in the child’s mouth. This screening does not replace an exam by a dentist.

  • To opt in or be included in dental screening: If your child is not in one of the grades listed on the letter your child received from school, and you would like them to be screened, please complete the opt-in request form.
  • To opt out or be excluded from dental screening: If your child is in one of the grades listed on the letter your child received from school, but you do not want them to be screened, please complete the opt-out request form.

Fluoride Varnish

Public Health is offering free fluoride varnish in all elementary schools to students in grades that are screened. Parents of children who had the dental screening at their school will receive information about the fluoride varnish program following the dental screening visit. If your child was not screened, you can still register your child to receive fluoride varnish for free by completing the online registration form.

What is fluoride varnish?

Fluoride varnish is a protective coating that helps to make teeth strong and prevent cavities. A dental professional paints the fluoride varnish onto your child’s teeth with a small disposable brush (each brush is only used for one child). The fluoride varnish sticks to the tooth for a few hours and is absorbed into the surface of the tooth. This re-mineralizes the tooth and helps reduce cavities. The process is quick, painless and easy.

Why would I want my child to receive fluoride varnish?

  • Cavities are the single most common chronic disease in children. Nearly 50% of children in Grade 2 in Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph have tooth decay.
  • Cavities in baby teeth can cause pain and even prevent children from being able to eat, speak, sleep and learn properly. Cavities in baby teeth can also cause problems in adult teeth.
  • Fluoride is not added to any municipal water supply in Wellington County, Dufferin County or the city of Guelph.
  • Fluoride varnish has been shown to be effective and safe in many studies and research reviews. No common or serious side effects have been reported.

2024-25 School Clinic Dates

Clinic dates for dental screenings are organized by month and school below. Fluoride varnish clinic dates vary and can be found in the columns next to your child’s dental screening clinic date. To find your school, click the monthly drop-downs and scan the list - they are organized alphabetically by school name - or use CTRL+F (Find). Dates subject to change, please check back.

October 2024
October 2024 School Dental Clinic Dates


Screening Date

Flouride Varnish #1

Flouride Varnish #2

Arthur PS

October 8

December 3

April 8

Brant Avenue PS

October 9

November 20

April 10

Brisbane PS

October 29

November 26

April 15

Centre Peel

October 28

December 5

April 14

Drayton Heights

October 21

December 5

April 14

Gateway Drive PS

October 15

November 21

April 22

John Galt PS

October 21

December 13

May 12

Ecole King George

October 24

November 20

April 10

Ottawa Cresent PS

October 21

December 16

April 7

Primrose Elementary School

October 16 & 17

November 26

April 1

St. Francis CS

October 28 & 30

December 9

May 2

St. Ignatius CS

October 22

December 2

April 9

St John CS (Arthur)

October 22

December 4

May 14

St. Peter CS (Guelph)

October 16 & 18

December 9

May 2

Victory PS

October 10

December 5

May 8

Willow Road PS

October 22

November 21

April 22

November 2024
November 2024 School Dental Clinic Dates


Screening Date

Flouride Varnish #1

Flouride Varnish #2

Central PS

November 1

December 13

May 12

Ecole Arbour Vista

November 19

December 3

May 6

Ecole Harris Mill PS

November 13

January 22

May 7

Ecole L’Odyssee

November 19

January 13

May 5

Grandvalley PS

November 6

December 13

May 2

Holy Rosary CS

November 6

January 13

May 5

Hyland Heights PS

November 19

December 17

April 16

JD Hogarth PS

November 4 & 6

December 19

May 5

Jean Little PS

November 4

January 8

May 16

Ken Danby PS

November 18

January 10

May 26

Mary Phelan CS

November 20

January 15

May 7

Maryborough PS

November 7

December 9

April 24

Minto Clifford PS

November 18 & 20

December 9

April 24

Mitchell Woods PS

November 5 & 6

December 3

May 6

Palmerston PS

November 21

December 16

April 28

Rockwood Centennial PS

November 1

December 10

April 29

Salem PS

November 25

December 16

April 28

St. John Brebeuf CS

November 5

January 14

April 30

St. Benedict PS




St. Joseph CS (Guelph)

November 4 & 5

December 16

April 7

St. Paul CS

November 18

December 18

April 9

St. Peter CS (Orangeville)




Waverly Drive PS

November 7 & 12

December 5

May 8

December 2024
December 2024 School Dental Clinic Dates


Screening Date

Flouride Varnish #1

Flouride Varnish #2

Kortright Hills PS

December 17

February 27

May 20

Priory Park PS

December 2

January 15

May 7

Sacred Heart CS (Guelph)

December 19

February 27

May 20

January 2025
January 2025 School Dental Clinic Dates


Screening Date

Flouride Varnish #1

Flouride Varnish #2

Aberfoyle PS

January 27

March 4

June 18

Credit Meadows PS

January 7

March 4

June 4

East Garafraxa PS

January 22

March 5

June 11

Ecole Guelph Lake

January 14 & 16

March 27

June 19

Elora PS

January 9

March 17

June 16

FA Hamilton PS

January 29



Glenbrook Elementary

January 10

March 4

June 4

Island Lake PS

January 10 & 15

March 7

June 18

James McQueen PS

January 13 & 16

March 24

June 24

Laurelwood PS

January 28

March 5

June 11

Montgomery Village

January 21

March 7

June 18

Ponsonby PS

January 29

February 21

May 30

Rickson Ridge PS

January 22 & 29

February 21

May 30

St. John CS (Guelph)

January 29

March 26

June 25

St. Joseph CS (Fergus)

January 23 & 27

March 27

June 19

St. Mary CS (Elora)

January 20

March 17

June 16

St. Patrick CS

January 20

March 31

June 18

Westminster Woods PS

January 28 & 30

March 25

June 17

February 2025
February 2025 School Dental Clinic Dates


Screening Date

Flouride Varnish #1

Flouride Varnish #2

Alma PS

February 10 (PM)

March 31

June 23

Ecole Elementaire DQR

February 11 (PM)

March 19

June 17

Edward Johnson PS

February 25

March 27

June 19

John Black PS

February 10

March 27

June 19

John McCrae PS

February 10 & 12

March 24

June 18

June Avenue PS

February 7

March 31

June 18

Kenilworth PS

February 25

March 25

June 25

Mono Amaranth PS

February 11 (AM)



Parkinson PS

February 21

March 21

June 24

Princess Elizabeth PS

February 4 & 7

March 18

June 13

Princess Margaret PS

February 19

March 25

June 25

Saint Rene-Goupil

February 3

March 21

June 23

Sir Isaac Brock PS

February 11

March 25

June 17

Spencer Avenue PS

February 18

March 21

June 24

St. Andrew CS




St. Michaels CS

February 24

March 26

June 24

Taylor Evans PS

February 13

April 8

June 25

Victoria Terrace PS

February 24

March 31

June 23

March 2025
March 2025 School Dental Clinic Dates


Screening Date

Flouride Varnish #1

Flouride Varnish #2

Westwood PS

March 3 & 7

March 21

June 16