Birth Control Counselling
Are you thinking about starting birth control? Or maybe you’d like to try a new form? Our nurses and doctors can discuss various reproductive health options for your lifestyle. Visit to review what birth control options are available. Book an appointment at our reproductive health clinic and get started on the best method for you.
We offer at cost birth control for women under 24 years of age who don’t have a drug plan. For more information on our reproductive health clinics call us at 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006.
Missed a pill? Forgot to take your ring out, or left a patch on too long? Visit to get back on track. If you need emergency contraception, give us a call or book an appointment.
Intrauterine Device (IUD)
An intrauterine device (IUD) is a long-acting reversible contraceptive method and is a very effective form of birth control. There are 2 types of intrauterine contraception: hormonal and copper. For more information please visit
We offer IUD:
- Consultation
- Insertion
- Renewal
- Removal
To book an appointment or to speak with one of our Public Health Nurses, please contact us at 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006.
Re-order your birth control
To renew or for a new prescription, please book an appointment by calling 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006.
Emergency contraception
Missed a pill? Didn’t use a condom? Or did your condom break? There are many reasons why someone may need emergency contraception. Learn more about your options for emergency contraception.
Call us at 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006 to book an appointment or speak to one of our nurses about what method is the best choice for you.