
Longsheng (Canada) Agricultural Products Ltd. is recalling Ming Xiang brand Mushroom (enoki) from...Read more
Substances circulating in the WDGPH area may be stronger than usual: 31 suspect substance-related...Read more
Affected Products Taylor Shellfish Canada and Pacific Rim Shellfish (2003) Corporation is recalling...Read more
Affected Products Longsheng (Canada) Agricultural Products Ltd. is recalling Golden Medal brand...Read more
Substances circulating in the WDGPH area may be stronger than usual: Five substance related drug...Read more
Abbott is recalling certain Abbott brand powdered infant formula products from the marketplace due...Read more
COVID -19 vaccine clinics in Kenilworth (Kenilworth Public School) and Grand Valley (Grand Valley...Read more
Statement from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health (March 9, 2022) March 21, 2022 The...Read more
COVID -19 vaccine clinics in Orangeville (Alder Recreation Centre) and Mount Forest (Mount Forest...Read more
Last updated: 2022-01-07. Full details on the CFIA website . Dole Canada Company is recalling...Read more
The issues with the online booking system on December 20 have been resolved. Visit wdgpublichealth...Read more
We are happy to see the level of enthusiasm in our community for the COVID -19 vaccines for ages 5-...Read more
Due to the positive uptake of booster doses in our community, online booking for our COVID -19...Read more
Substances circulating in the Guelph area may be stronger than usual, based on: 3 suspect-overdose...Read more
Ontarians must provide proof of full vaccination and photo ID to access certain settings. You can...Read more
If you suspect you have been exposed to recalled products, or have symptoms consistent for...Read more
Substances circulating in the Guelph area may be stronger than usual, based on: 3 suspect-overdose...Read more
Ontario is in Step 3 of the Roadmap to Reopen. On October 22, the province released a plan to lift...Read more
